Lynn: How do you envision this honor impacting your business?
“I realize I am an example of what is possible from a modest beginning. . .We will always be a purpose-filled space for people of color.”
Lynn: Who were your early career and life influences?
Erick: MK closing created a void Virtue filled. Our familial approach and coaching platform were inspired by my great grandmother’s rich hospitality and “check-in” conversations she had with us while growing up.
What is your “Why” for Virtue? How did design thinking contribute?
Erick: We want to answer the question, “What does it mean to sit together around a dinner table?” This led to Virtue being more than a space for dinner. It’s a platform for solving large problems for individuals, organizations and communities.
Lynn: What challenges do you want to address?
“People have a hard time communicating. We address this with kindness and a culture of support. Every challenge is an opportunity for patience. We want each member of the team to find their voice.
What’s next for your business?
Erick: Commitment is our “glue.” It will fuel new growth, sustainability and an organic approach to serving the team.”
What advice do you have for children pursuing a future in STEM.
Erick: Practice curiosity, consistency and hard work. We come from a rich history that empowers us to be the innovators and the labor force.
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