On October 3, Black Fine Art Month kicked off at the DuSable Museum of African American History with the commemoration of the beginning of American slavery in the U.S. A special panel discussion led by Chicago Tribune reporter, Lolly Bowen, is a story of the contributions of Black Americans to the building of this nation and allows us a moment to examine how artists interpret this unique anniversary and what it means at this pivotal point in our history.
At the special 1619 Salon discussion included “Negro Day” at the 1893 Columbian World Exhibition and The Negro World’s Fair of 1940 held at the Museum of Science and Industry. The conversation will also examine how the African Diaspora event continues to shape and inform global art movements.
Led by public relation consultants, Patricia Andrews-Keenan, Founder Pigment International and Devorah Crable, CMO Pigment International, the panel of experts included:
Daniel Duster, Great-grandson of journalist and civil rights activist Ida B. Wells,
Christopher Reed, Professor Emeritus of History, Roosevelt University
Clinee Hedspeth, Hedspeth Art Consulting
Black Fine Art Month, held each October, is a global celebration of the Black Fine Art aesthetic, an annual recognition of artists, innovators, collectors, curators and those vested in the Black Art tradition, and an opportunity to commemorate and elevate these contributions through art programming. The celebration lies at the intersection of the past, present, and future of Black Art, and affords us a moment to toast the bold gallerists and esteemed art purveyors who revere the aesthetic, drive the value; and invest in artists who are making a cultural impact. Black Fine Art Month is an initiative of Pigment International™.
“Chicago has been the epicenter of numerous art movements, including the Works Progress Arts Movement that birthed the South Side Community Art Center, The Muralist Movement, led by Bill Walker, AfriCobra in the ’70s and Afrofuturism, the Black Art Movement (BAM), and others,” said Pigment Founder Patricia Andrews-Keenan. “It is fitting that this celebration begins here and spread globally.”
“As an institution co-founded by the late artist and activist Dr. Margaret Burroughs, we are pleased to partner with Pigment International™ for this inaugural event,” said Perri Irmer, President & CEO of the DuSable Museum of African American History. “This is another way to highlight Chicago’s vital role in the Black Art movement and to share the historical contributions of Black artists, collectors, and curators to the world.”
Each Thursday during October, Pigment International™ in partnership with the DuSable Museum will host a Salon Talk exploring Chicago’s unique contribution to the on-going historical narrative documented through art created by African American artists. The Salons will be streamed live via YouTube and on social media. The celebration will be documented in Pigment Magazine, an Ozzie Award Finalist for “Best Design for New Magazine.”
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